Graduate School

Knowledgeable and entrepreneurial leaders are needed at the helm of mass media, corporate academic and public organizations. To prepare for this role, young and mid-level communication practitioners and other professionals need to develop superior leadership and communication skills through relevant continuing education.

The Asian Institute of Journalism Graduate School offers its Ladderized Masters' Programs in Communication Management (MCM) and in Journalism (MJ) to provide professionals with opportunity for continuing education with the quality standard and diversity needed for excellence and career mobility. These programs, while primarily for communication and mass media practitioners, cater as well to professionals in information technology, business management, education, and in any field where communication is of critical importance. AIJC Graduate School envisions professionals equipped with high-level communication skills becoming effective leaders of change in different areas of endeavor.

AIJC students are encouraged to explore emerging career paths, such as online journalism, design of distance education and other alternative learning systems, development of multimedia learning materials, change management, public information, knowledge management, and media entrepreneurship as well as social mobilization, behavioral change communication, and ICT for development.

Program Description
AIJC Graduate School's Ladderized Masters Programs enable the student to acquire knowledge and skills in journalism and communication management at three levels: Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters Degree. Courses are clustered so as to give the student a set of usable skills and in-depth knowledge about a specific area as they proceed from one level to the next.

Courses are taught in the blended mode, combining face-to-face and online methods. Course content integrates research outputs of AIJC's research and development projects.